4 Ways a Landscape Maintenance Company Can Protect Your Evergreens
Majestic Lawn Care and Landscape ~ Proudly Serving Rockland County, NY & Bergen County, NJ for 25 Years
Don’t let Old Man Winter destroy your New York evergreens this year. Instead, call your local landscape company to help your evergreens, as well as all of your landscaped trees and shrubs survive the harsh Northeast winter.
Damaging Winter Winds
Your evergreens—whether well-established or recently planted—need protection from the cold winds that will dry out their foliage. Your landscaping company can employee the following services:

  1. Apply anti-desiccant or anti-transpirant sprays to help your evergreens hold in moisture.
  2. Wrap burlap around your most vulnerable evergreens, such arborvitae, to protect them from the winter wind.
  3. Coach you to water your evergreens deeply so they have enough water to keep them hydrated throughout the winter.

Learn how horticultural oil helps protect your roses, fruit and deciduous trees and shrubs.
Rodents Eating the Bark of Young Evergreens
Your young evergreens, as well as your other young plants, are susceptible to rodents eating their bark during the wintertime. Your landscape pro can protect your evergreens’ trunks with tree guards or wraps. And he’ll remove the wraps and guards when spring arrives and your evergreens are no longer in danger of being eaten alive.
Snow and Ice Damage
In addition to the harsh winter winds, snow and ice can wreak havoc to your pines and other evergreens. If it was just a snowstorm, you can brush or shake off the snow from the branches. Yet, you don’t want to do anything if the branches are coated with ice.
Instead, hire your landscape maintenance company to tie branches together to lessen the load of branch damage during an ice storm.
See how a certified arborist can help protect your trees from storm damage.
Root Water Loss
Your evergreens can also lose water through their roots. Your landscape maintenance company can apply mulch under your evergreens as well as all of your landscaped trees and shrubs. Mulch not only holds in moisture during the cold winter months, but it also regulates soil temperature, protects the root system and provides nutrition.
Do you know the 10 ways that your winter landscape can bring you joy?
Your landscape company knows what to do to protect your evergreens from the harsh winter weather. Keep them green and beautiful by hiring your landscape maintenance company to apply the above protection.
If you live in Rockland County, NY or Bergen County, NJ, call us at Majestic Lawn Care and Landscape for all of your evergreen tree and shrub needs at (845) 708-2988 or fill out our contact form.
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LoveYourLandscape.org, “A Seasonal Guide: Winter Lawn and Landscape Care.”
Ibid, “Protecting Your Trees from Old Man Winter.”

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