How Yard Drainage is the Answer to Your Flooding Problems
Every time it rains, do you have flooding or ponding in your front- or backyard? Do you have areas of your lawn that don’t drain well?
Then you need yard drainage solutions.
In this blog, you’ll learn about your choices of yard drainage as well as how Majestic Lawn Care and Landscape can create a functional and beautiful solution to your flooding problems.

Yard Drainage Solutions

Have you been experiencing ponding or flooding on your NY property for a long time? Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away.
Matter of fact, ignoring flooding problems will only lead to damage to your lawn, landscape and home.
Ponding water causes a lot of problems for your lawn and landscape. For example, it causes moss to grow in your yard, kills expensive landscape plants, and increases the likelihood that your lawn will develop fungal diseases.
The goal is to move the water away from your home, lawn and landscapes. At Majestic Lawn Care and Landscape, we’ll evaluate what the best course of action will be to get that excess water to move toward the drain.
The first solution is grading your yard.
Over time, your property has changed and will need to be graded again to produce a flat surface for the water to spread out and drain into the soil.
Grading isn’t the only solution to your flooding issues. Your property may be even and flat. If you’re getting a deluge every time it rains, it could be your neighbor’s property that leads to your flooding problems.
Then, we have five solutions to help you solve your flooding problem.
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Drainage Systems to the Rescue

While grading is the first option to correct your ponding problems, if that doesn’t work, then we’ll suggest you invest in a drainage system to move water away from your property and home.
Here are five drainage systems we recommend:

  1. Corrugated Plastic Tubes: This type of drainage is the least expensive of the five choices. It’s placed underground and connected to a downspout. It takes the water to a rain garden, a rain barrel or a French drain.
  2. Dry River Bed: This type of drainage includes enhancing your landscaping beyond moving water away from your property. A dry river bed comprises of river rocks, boulders, various plants and other enhancements to make your property look beautiful and functional at the same time. When it rains, the water moves down the river bed and deposits into a French drain or another water catchment system.

Take summer fun up a notch with an outdoor kitchen.

  1. Dry Well System: This is an environmentally sound alternative to a French drain. In a dry well system, water is discharged on site using downspouts directed to a rain garden, a rain catchment system or an underground storage well. In a underground well, the water is moved to fill the water table.
  2. French Drain: A trench is dug and installed with a perforated pipe. The perforated pipe is wrapped in fabric and placed in the gravel-filled When it rains, the water moves to a drain, and the material keeps soil and sentiment out of the water.
  3. Swale: If you have a sloping yard, then a swale makes a great solution. It’s designed to catch water at the bottom of your slope. Swales can be designed as a dry river bed, a hillside garden or planted with grass. Depending on the type of swale you want, the soil can absorb the water, and the plants will naturally filter it as it percolates deep into the ground. Or the water goes to a drain and filters through to a catchment

Today’s drainage solutions are environmentally sensitive as well as beautify your property.
Now, all you need is a landscape contractor who’ll see your project from start to finish.

How Majestic Lawn Care and Landscape Can Help You

At Majestic Lawn Care and Landscape, we’re your one-stop shop for your yard drainage solutions.
Our landscape designer will listen to your ideas and incorporate them into a plan to move water away from your home and property while giving you a beautiful exterior. We do all the work and oversee all the crews.
There’s nothing for you to worry about—and the next time it rains—the water will move swiftly away into your new catchment basin.
If you have ponding or flooding on your Rockland County property, call us today at (845) 708-2988 or (201) 788-7191.You can also fill out our contact form.

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